BRCA 2023 2WD Nationals Round 3

03 July 2023
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The past weekend saw Mendip play host to the third round of the BRCA 2WD Nationals.

Weather conditions were warm and windy, and the track offered great racing throughout.

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In the FWD category, Andy Murray took a commanding pole position with his FT8, with Aaron Rose lining up just behind him in 2nd, Jamie Hickin in 4th, and the returning 2022 series runner up, Sam Law, qualifying in P7. Andy sewed up an imperious victory by taking the win in leg 1 and 2, leaving Aaron Rose and Ben Cosgrove to fight over the final two steps on the podium in leg 3, with Ben eventually prevailing in 2nd and Aaron 3rd. Jamie Hickin took an impressive fourth place, and Sam Law finished 7th. Shane Chipolina wasn’t quite on his usual pace, but still took home the U17 Junior Trophy.

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The A Final FWD results were:

1st Andrew Murray (Schumacher FT8)
2nd Ben Cosgrove
3rd Aaron Rose (Schumacher FT8)
4th Jamie Hickin (Schumacher FT8)
5th Stephen Davies
6th Luke Westwood
7th Sam Law (Schumacher FT8)
8th Andy Faulkes
9th Shaun Ogden
10th Alex Bold

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In the F1 class, Michael Lee finished where he qualified, coming home in 2nd with the Icon 2.

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The A Final F1 results were:

1st Luke Lee
2nd Michael Lee (Schumacher Icon 2)
3rd Michael Friebel
4th James Greener
5th Rob Chaldecott
6th Benedetto De Vizio
7th Jason McConomy
8th Craig Williams