New Mi8 HGT Alloy Chassis

08 September 2023
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Get ready for Winter Season.

The HGT update kit for the Mi8 has been hugely popular and provided some fantastic results.

For the winter season an Alloy Chassis version will be available soon.

This chassis is suitable if you have already purchased the HGT C/F kit in the past. (U8562)

(This chassis will not fit a standard Mi8 without the HGT conversion)

U8645 - Alloy Chassis - Mi8 HGT Conversion - £79.99

If you are new to the Mi8 or only race on carpet an Alloy Chassis version of the HGT kit will be available.

The HGT conversion features an alternative suspension geometry to free the car up in the corners and create more rotation. It also includes new shock mounts to lower the centre of gravity.

U8647 - HGT Conversion - Alloy Chassis Spec - Mi8 - £154.99

Available mid October, pre-orders being taken.
