MSEC Swedish Cup

24 November 2017

Round 2 of the MSEC Swedish Cup took place at Skövde.

65 drivers took part. The format was 2 rounds of seeding practise followed by 3 rounds of qualifying and triple leg finals for the A mains.

After seeding practice Schumacher drivers Nathan Parker and Rasmus Karlsson where lying 3rd and 4th. After qualifying had Finished Nathan Parker lined up 2nd on the grid just one second from Associated Driver Daniel Carlsson, Rasmus lined up 4th.

In the first final Nathan pressured Daniel hard for the first few minutes before a small mistake dropped him behind Per Lindqvist, these two battled it out for the remaining laps with traffic costing Nathan the chance for 2nd. Rasmus unfortunately dropping back to 5th. The second final was almost a repeat of the first with Daniel leading Home Per and Nathan.  Daniel elected to run the 3rd final to protect his teammates 2nd place.  The race was a close battle this time with no mistakes from either Nathan or Daniel. The final result was Daniel winning from Per and Schumacher drivers Nathan and Rasmus 3rd and 6th overall.

Congratulations to the team in Sweden.
