Schumacher North East Winter Series

31 October 2017

Sunday 29th of Oct, saw the second round of Schumacher supported the North East Winter Series. A fantastic, and growing entry of 94 drivers, arrived a open flowing track, primarily EOS carpet, with a slippy wooden section, and a tricky large double jump.
2wd: Qualifying was dominated by Greg Williams, demonstrating more consistency over the similarly paced David Snee.These two Schumacher drivers would dominate qualifying, with Greg taking pole with TQ in 3 rounds, and David taking the final round to line up 2nd. Chris Pattinson managed two 2nd in rounds to take 3rd on the grid.

The final openned up with Greg and David pulling a gap on the rest of the field, but a few mistakes from both drivers saw David slip back into the chasing pack from which he couldn't recover, with Greg maintaining the lead from a chasing Chris Pattinson. Chris Clarke came through the field from 10th position to take 3rd.
4wd: Qualifying was open, with Neil Adamason, James Chappell and Chris Pattinson taking 1st in each of the opening rounds. With James and Chris suffering breakages in round 4, Neil Adamson took the final round and pole position, with Chris Pattinson 2nd and James Chappell 3rd. The final had a number of errors from the leading drivers, and it was Ethan Chappell, who came through for his first win, well deserved for the young driver, and the first of many I suspect.

1st - Greg Williams - Schumacher
2nd - Chris Pattinson - Schumacher
3rd - Chris Clarke - Schumacher
4th - Jeff Steele - Schumacher
5th - Rob Calvert
6th - Chris Stewart
7th - Isaac Mcfadyean - Schumacher
8th - David Snee - Schumacher
9th - Natalie Williams - Schumacher
10th - Neil Adamason

1st - Ethan Chappell
2nd - Neil Adamson
3rd - James Chappell
4th - Chris Stewart
5th - Peter Craig - Schumacher
6th - Chris Clarke - Schumacher
7th - Chris Pattinson - Schumacher
8th - Rob Calvert
9th - Jeff Steele - Schumacher
10th - Tyler Liddle - Schumacher
