BTCC Round 2 Bedworth

31 May 2017

Round 2 of the Schumacher BTCC took place and a sun drenched Bedworth over the weekend.  A very emotional race for the club as it marked their final meeting at this venue after being forced to move by the land owners.

As usual they put on a great one and it was also successful for the Schumacher team.

In Modified Elliott Harper took the win from David Hall and Andy Murray.

In 13.5 boosted James Hart with the Mi6evo took TQ and win from super fast locals Liam Brooks and Michael Johnson.

The largest class this weekend was 17.5T Blinky with Jakub Plechac winning from Nigel Shaw and Mathew Lilley.

Congratulations to all the winners who took home a Montech IS200 bodyshell.

Full Results available on central booking.

The next round is not too far away on 11th June at Stafford.  Entries via central booking as usual.
