Michal Orlowski Wins GT12 Worlds

13 February 2017

Michal Orlowski and the new Atom CC have been crowned GT12 World Champions!  The inaugural 3 day event took place this weekend in front of a large public audience in the main shopping centre, The Centre:MK. The Reedy Race style event saw the drivers compete in 10 races with 8 to count towards the overall championship.  The battle raged at the top between David Spashett, Ollie Payne and Schumacher's Michal Orlowski. 

All three drivers would have a perfect score of 8 wins each so the deciding factor would be the fastest race time over the weekend.  Spashett was looking in pole position to take it with a blindingly quick time in the last race of Saturday in perfect track conditions and starting towards the front of the grid.  The deciding race for Michal was his last one, starting from 8th on the grid, nobody really thought it was possible to beat Spashett's time.

Michal made up to second after the first lap with some stunning passes and hit the front with relative ease, then it was time to push before he came to the back markers.  Two scary moments followed with drivers not paying attention to what was unfolding, but Michal came through and was able to push again towards the end with a time just 1 second faster than Spashett.

So after 10 races over 3 days just the 1 second gap separated Orlowski and his Atom CC from his rivals, an exceptional performance especially as he only saw the car for the first time on Friday morning! 

The team performed excellently with Ben Vincent 5th, Marcus Mobers 8th and Craig Mawson 10th all in the top ten finishers.

Congratulations to Michal and his family and all the hard work put in by team for the event!

Michal's set up sheet and pictures of the winning car will be available later in the week. 

Recap the final race win from Michal in the video below.


Michal's next race will be another first the BRCA LMP12 National at Swifts this coming weekend.
