Schumacher BTCC Rd 5 Mendip

01 August 2016

The series moved on to another very fast circuit this past weekend in the form of Mendip. The championship is still very much wide open in all 3 classes, so it was set to be a great event.

Lots of drivers were in attendance on Saturday for some practice and to get their cars set up to their liking.

Unlike other rounds the weather was lovely sunshine and hot temperatures, this was how it stayed for the whole weekend.
On to Sunday and race day, we had the usual open practice session first thing and then it was into qualifying mode.

Schumacher’s Mark Musgrove gave the drivers briefing and explained the format for the day. This was the usual format of round by round qualifying,
however this time we managed to get an extra round of qualifying into the schedule so it was the best 3 from 5 rounds to count. This was good practice for the drivers attending the National in 2 weeks.

The modified class was extremely close all day, between Olly Jefferies, Chris Grainger, Elliott Harper and Colin Price. This was the order they would line up on the grid for the A final.

In the 13.5 class it was Zak Finlay, James Hart and Mark Wallace battling it out for the top spots in qualifying.

In the 17.5 class it was also very close between Dominic Skinner, Daniel Booker and Oli Meggitt so the finals were lining up to be very good.

Next it was onto the finals, watch how close the Modified final was for some serious close racing action! The results were as follows:

1 Olly Jefferies
2 Chris Grainger
3 Elliott Harper Schumacher
4 Colin Price  Schumacher
5 John Pape
6 Merv Wignall
7 David Hall  Schumacher
8 Ben Gayson
9 Rob Chaldecott
10 Matthew White


13.5 Boosted
1 Zak Finlay
2 James Hart  Schumacher
3 Lee Price  Schumacher
4 Marcus Askell
5 Chris Gunter  Schumacher
6 Daniel Blake
7 Florian Joos
8 Michael Bolt
9 Mark Wallace
10 Alex Brocklebank Schumacher


17.5 Blinky
1 Dominic Skinner
2 Daniel Booker
3 Dave Ringsell
4 Oli Meggitt
5 Adrian Sully  Schumacher
6 Keith Jenkins  Schumacher
7 Tony Cooke
8 Steve Bessent
9 Chris Graco
10 Paul Hill


A special mention has to go to Florian Joos and his Father David, they made the trip from Belgium and he did great to make the 13.5 A Final. They both said they had a great time and look forward to competing in another round sometime, great to see you guys!

So after all of the excellent close racing in the finals, we had the presentation for the winners and top 3 in each final, this was followed by the traditional Schumacher raffle.
Congratulations go to Alex Brocklebank for winning the star prize of the Fantom 13.5 motor.

Lots of drivers commented on what a great event it was and how much they had enjoyed it, great to hear from you all and glad you had a good time.

Many thanks to the Mendip team for everything you did with us, the track and facilities were in great condition and a great job by the catering team also. A huge thanks especially to both Matt and Wayne who were great on race control and scrutineering throughout.

The next round will see us at Stafford on Sunday 21st August. Entries still available, so come and get booked in:

Would be great to see you there.
