Finnish Winter Champs

22 March 2016

Huge success for Team Schumacher in Finnish Winter Championships (indoor)!

Last weekend Winter Jumps® series was continued is Estonia, Tallinn.
This was the first time the race was held outside Finland during 10 years history of this second largest indoor offroad series in Europe.

In 2wd all the Schumacher top drivers from Finland had a good pace from the first practise rounds. A new Estonian Schumacher driver Jörg Tiit had also top pace from the very beginning as well.

After the qualifications Schumacher drivers took the positions 3 (Jörg Tiit), 4 (Max Mört), 6 (Jarno Siltanen), 7 (Pekko Iivonen) and 9 (Samppa Orhanen). In A finals there was a tough fight between 3 drivers; as there was only 2 minutes left for the last A main, Jörg had still change to win the whole race! Unfortunelately this time he had some bad luck and he ended up at pos 3 in overall results. Anyway these were very good results from the whole Schumacher team once again!

In 4wd there was also good fight for victory as well for the places to A main. Samppa Orhanen and Max Mört took places 6 and 7 after qualifications. Jarno Siltanen, Touko Silpola and Pekko Iivonen had to settle for the B main positions, 13 18 19 this time.

Good luck to the whole team for the last Winter Jumps® race in Helsinki in 16th and 17th of April!
