Great Results in Spain

06 November 2015

This last weekend in the international club facilities Carbi in Bilbao, was the last race of the championship, which brought together drivers came from Pamplona, Vitoria, Madrid and Vizcaya, enjoying a summer climate and an unbeatable atmosphere.

Again how demanding the layout, fully tridemensional, of astro, which does not allow the slightest oversight was demonstrated and requires the maximum the pilot, both driving, and setup, as the grip of the circuit varies along morning and you have to hit at the time of each round, both the setup, and as the compound of tyres.A real challenge for foreign pilots.

From the free practice on Saturday and as usual at this circuit, was very strong local drivers,Daniel Ortiz, who with only 10 years old, has an incredible progression, Jorge Pascual, Ivan Jimenez, Oscar Zamarreño and a foreign and multiple champion of Spain come from Madrid, Felix Zamorano, who is in a good form and adapted well to the track.

On Sunday it was time for the truth and as usual in these parts, the morning dew is responsible for leaving wet the track, so the grip is minimal and here are real specialists in such circumstances, as the local driver Oscar Zamarreño took the pole, but followed closely by Jorge Pascual and Daniel Ortiz.

In the finals and already dry, Schumacher team dominance was absolute, eight Schumacher in the final A, where the first final is for Jorge Pascual took his KF2 , the second final was for the young driver,Daniel Ortiz with KF2M, marking record of fast lap of the day and absolute lap record, staying in one second of 14 laps, something stratospheric and more with only 10 years of age and third final was also won by the driver Schumacher, Felix Zamorano with KF2.

So triplet for the team Schumacher at this race ,which also made clear the great potential of Schumacher tyres Minipin 2 mounted for the first three .The other finalists A were:
1-Jorge Pascual-Schumacher KF2
2-Daniel Ortiz-Schumacher KF2M
3-Felix Zamorano-Schumacher KF2
4-Oscar Zamarreño-Associated B5M
5-Iker Vilela-Schumacher KF2
6-Ivan Jimenez-Proto
7-Joserra Ortiz-Schumacher KF2M
8-Chema Garcia-Schumacher SV2
9-Juan Carlos Vilela-Schumacher KF2
10-Mikel Colas-Schumacher KF

Thanks to Joserra for the report.
