Nikolia Haheim wins with Mi5evo

17 February 2015

The Event was held in Gjøvik. A permanent track facility in the centre of the city. The Event had 45 entries in total, divided in 4 classes. The main classes were the 1/10 Modified and 1/12 Track.
Opening round of qualifying were set to be the fastest due to the tyres being faster when they were fresh.   Reigning nordic champion Nikolai Håheim and ETS A-finalist Helge Johannessen opened up the first laps swapping the lead, but after 5 laps Nikolai started to build up a 1,5 seconds  gap which he held throughout the round.  Nikolai took the overall TQ ahead of Helge in 2nd, followed by an impressive 3rd place for Rune Svestøl.   Petter Bernsten, the Championship contender together with Nikolai would see himself struggling throughout the whole qualifying, he felt uncomfortable the whole weekend with the track as he felt it was too "technical for his driving style".

Qualifying Results;
1. Nikolai Håheim / Schumacher
2. Helge Johannessen / Arc
3. Rune Svestøl / Xray
4. Petter Berntsen / Vbc
5. Georg Ellingsen / Xray
6. Roger Berntsen / Vbc
7. Lars Andersen / Arc
8. Sebastian Huse / Associated
9. Alexander Nygaard / Xray

In A1, Nikolai went on taking a tone to tone win, winning with almost a lap in front of the second place driver Helge Johannessen.  Petter Bernsten who was unlucky at the start of the race fell down to last place early in the final, but with a great recovery and some great overtaking manoeuvres he came 3rd followed by Georg in 4th and Rune in 5th.
A2 started off good for Nikolai, but after one lap he rolled his car which put him down to third, behind Helge and Petter. Nikolai made a quick recovery and was able to put pressure on Petter who made a small mistake which let Nikolai through.  Then Nikolai caught up with Helge who didn’t have the same pace compared to Nikolai.  Helge made a mistake which let Nikolai through into the lead. Nikolai won leg 2 in front of Petter Bernsten who came in 5 seconds behind.  Nikolai would take the overall win. Georg once again improved from his grid postiton and made an impressive 3rd with Rune in 4th. Helge had to retire with a broken car halfway through the final.

In A3 Nikolai once again made a great start building up a gap to the rest, but after a big mistake, he ended up getting stuck with a border. This let Rune and Petter by. And for them the fight for the last podium spots were on. Rune had the lead infront of Petter and Nikolai. Nikolai was set to win all of the finals and started pushing to catch up with Petter, he made his way past, but now Rune had a comfortable lead. Rune drove smart and consistent, and won the last leg infront of Nikolai who didnt have enough time left on the clock to try to make his way past Rune. Petter came 3rd and took the last spot on the podium behind Rune in 2nd and Nikolai in 1st.

Overall Results;
1. Nikolai Håheim / Schumacher
2. Rune Svestøl / Xray
3. Petter Bernsten / Vbc
4. Helge Johannessen / Arc
5. Georg Ellingsen / Xray
6. Roger Berntsen / Vbc
7. Sebastian Huse / Associated
8. Lars Andersen / Arc
9. Alexander Nygaard

In 1/12 Track Helge took a convincing TQ ahead of Lars Haugen and Trygve Berntsen in 3rd.
Top 3 Overall qualifying result;
1. Helge Johannessen / Associated
2. Lars Haugen / Associated
3. Trygve Berntsen / Xray

In A1 Lars Haugen took the win in front of Helge in 2nd and Trygve in 3rd.
In A2 Helge took the win in front Lars in second, this made it go down to the last final. Trygve finished 4th with Bull Freng right in front of him in 3rd.
A3 was set to be an intensive final with Helge and Lars fighting it out for the win. Unfortunately Lars had an accident in the warmup, and broke his rear wheel. He quickly ran into the pits to fix it, but then the staring countdown started, which meant that he had to run onto the driver stand. Unfortunately it was seen as disturbing for the drivers which gave him a penalty to start from the back of the pack. This meant that Helge could just concentrate about having the car on the track as Lars who was the only real contender had to run through a lot of traffic. Lars was hit from a back marker through the final which saw Helge winning out the last Leg.

Top 3 Overall results;
1. Helge Johannessen / Associated
2. Lars Haugen / Associated
3. Trygve Berntsen / Xray

The whole event went flawlessly for the organizers who put in a great effort to make this race work as well as it did, well done!

Nikolia's set up sheet can be found here.
