BTCC Rd 3 Stafford

09 June 2014


The Schumacher BTCC rolled in to Midlands club Stafford this weekend, mainly fine weather greeted the drivers at the excellent venue.  John Robson and his crew had put in some excellent work improving the facilities and making the drivers feel welcome.

Seen as a warm up for some drivers to the BRCA National in 2 weeks time it was interesting to see who came out on top and whether the performance can be carried over to the national.  Round by round was chosen at the start of the day with the drivers best 3 from 5 qualifiers to count with 1 final to determine the winners.

Fast out of the blocks in the Modified class was BRCA championship leader Colin Price. Chris Grainger and Colin were trading TQ positions throughout the day with their Mi5's, with James Hart these three had the most pace ahead of the rest of the pack. 

After the 5 rounds of qualifying the top ten was;

1) Chris Grainger - Schumacher
2) Colin Price - Schumacher
3) James Hart
4) Chris Kerswell
5) Matt White - Schumacher
6) Zack Smith
7) Chris Ashton - Schumacher
8) David Hall - Schumacher
9) Andy Murray
10)Ben Cosgrove

At the start of the A final Chris got away cleanly and controlled the race ahead of the battle between Colin and James.  This is how it remained for the 5 minutes with Chris taking the win which should give him great confidence going into the national next week.  Colin claimed 2nd and James drove well all day to claim 3rd.

The Prostock class which is the best supported saw another Price battling at the top.  This time Lee, Colin's brother was battling away with James Baker and local hero Andy Robson.  After a great final to watch James took the victory with Lee and Andy 2nd and 3rd with their Mi5's.

1st James Baker
2nd Lee Price - Schumacher
3rd Andy Robson - Schumacher

In Stock 17.5 David Hough took the TQ and looked fast all day, however in the final David got caught up at the start allowing MB Models Michael Ball and Jason Butterfield to race away.  These two had a great battle until David managed to catch back up with them and finally get past Jason.  When time expired Michael took the win from David and Jason.

1st Michael Ball
2nd David Hough
3rd Jason Butterfield

Next up we have Cotswolds BTCC on 29th June.  Booking in on Central Booking.
