TQ and win for K1 in Australia

14 October 2013

The 19th annual Coleman Cup was held over the weekend of the 12th and 13th of October and the Schumacher team of Leigh Cheeseman and myself attended the Keilor track in Melbourne for this important event on the calendar.
Leigh was unfortunately unable to run on the Saturday in the 4wd class due to family commitments, but made his presence known on Sunday with a barnstorming run in the rain shortened day to capture a 3rd place in the 2wd modified class from 6th on the grid. The new KR really coming to grips with the ever changing conditions.

So it was left to myself to represent the team as best I could on Saturday the 12th, incidentally, also my birthday! It turned out to be an amazing day with the K1 being well and truly up to the task, winning every round of qualifying, and most importantly the first two legs of the A main to take home the prize in the 4wd stock class. I also managed to take the win in the Stadium Truck class after qualifying 2nd.
On Sunday, the weather was very unkind to us. Practice in the morning was on a perfectly groomed and reasonably high traction surface, and I was turning the fastest laps of the session with the new KR. As the first heats started, the heavens opened up with rain at the one minute mark of my qualifier, sending me hurtling back through the field in the very slippery and changed conditions. Chasing setup throughout the morning saw me manage just 7th on the grid for the A main, however during a very close contest I managed to work up to a finishing position of 3rd in the first leg. I would never have the opportunity to improve upon that however as the heavens once again brought a halt to the day.
A great run in the last and very happy with our development and testing leading into the State Titles in just six weeks time.
Thanks to Scott for the report.

