Contact RC BRCA Champions

13 October 2011

Following on from Kyle Branson's BRCA 1/8th National title a few weeks ago, Joe Kerry has won the 1/10th title giving Contact a double UK championship win!

The last BRCA national race of the championship was at the Mendip circuit with the title still up for grabs. Saturdays practice was run under dry and sunny conditions with championship contenders Joe Kerry and Adam Catchpole looking quick all day.
Sunday morning turned out to be very windy, cold, and damp. This made qualifying quite difficult for some of the top drivers but the track eventually dried out for the final qualifier and everyone was able to set a decent time. Alex Thurston took FTD just in front of Joe Kerry with Adam Catchpole qualifying in 6th position.
In the final Joe took the lead on the very first lap and began to race away from the rest of the field. At the end of the 30 minute final Joe was the winner after holding off the challenge of Mark Green towards the end of the race.
This final result makes Joe Kerry the UK 2011 200mm National Champion.
