Italian UISP Round 3 - Vedano al Lambro

13 September 2010

This last weekend saw the final round of the Italian UISP championship take place in Vedano al Lambro located just behind the Monza Formula 1 track.

On this technical high grip track, Schumacher driver Lorenzo Bigi took 3rd place in the Sport class using his Speed Passion powered Mi4 LP and the New Contact 37sh foam tyres. Fellow Schumacher driver Andrea Aquilino also made the A finishing up in 6th Place.
Young driver Michelangelo Tagliavini narrowly missed out on an A final position but went on to win the B final with ease.

This left Lorenzo and Andrea 2nd and 3rd respectively in the final SPORT class championship standings. 

The SUPERSPORT class saw Mattia Dall’Oca take 3rd position with Davide Minissale taking 8th, Fellow Mi4 LP driver Adalberto Zapparoli went on to win the B final after just missing out on the A.

This meant another 2nd and 3rd podium position in the final SUPERSPORT championship standings as Mattia took 2nd and Davide 3rd.

The modified class saw Schumacher drivers Daniel Baldissarri and Fabrizio Di Michele take 7th and 8th place respectively.

Congratulations from all at Schumacher Racing
